Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Eros (Denise Levertov)

Denise Levertov (1923-1997) was a very attentive and articulate poet and woman, who always deserves a rereading.  Her simplicity of language and depth of meaning is always captivating to me.  Enjoy.


The flowerlike
animal perfume
in the god's curly
hair —

don't assume 
that like a flower
his attributes 
are there to tempt

you or
direct the moth's
hunger —
simply he is
the temple of himself,

hair and hide
a sacrifice of blood and flowers
on his altar

if any worshipper
kneel or not.

Friday, June 1, 2012

To My Future Children

I thought of you today
as the breeze rolled
through the window
and scattered my papers
all over the floor
like you later would.

I thought of how
guilt and surprise would
battle for your face,
when you caught my glance
and realized what you did
while lost in your play.

I laughed and picked up
today's windstrewn notes
knowing it would later be you
making messes for me, and
I looked forward to them today.

Before you ever had a name,
you brought a smile to me.
Before I knew you (or your mother)
your mischief was already welcomed.
Before you ever were,
you were already loved
as we all are.