Following Hopkins' lavish fascination with the musicality of language, I was disappointed because the majority of recordings of his poetry is by old English people, which ruins it. I personally think Hopkins' would be better read by modern slam poets and rappers because of the avalanche of melody be packs into such close lines. Often slam poets are known for their aggressive and even bellicose character, but this comes out of the emphatic in spoken word poetry. These poets mean what they mean and what sometimes manifests itself as anger always stems from spoken word's essnece of sincerity. To use Hopkinsian language the emphasis is to convey the instress and so that you might see the inscape.
From this check out some of my favorite spoken word poets who make their living in this emphasis. This is Anis Mogjani doing "Shake the Dust" which was my first introduction to modern spoken word poetry. His reverence, emphasis and playfulness are always compelling . . .
One of the most impressive parts of spoken word poetry is the momentum that is built in its performance. The stanzas in a poem become movements in a symphony. In this video, Anis pairs his poetry with the music of The Album Leaf's song "The Outer Banks" which brings the momentum and fervor of Anis and the atmosphere of The Album Leaf all to an HNL ('hole 'nutha level) . . .
I just got into the poetry of Sarah Kay last week and I am moved by the marriage of her poetry's sensuality and sincerity. Her ability to make you feel the emptiness she describes comes in her word choice and her voice in a way that reminds me of the first time I read Rilke . . .
With spoken word poetry you might notice the blurring between poetry as a literary genre and rap as a musical genre. What really is the difference between Hopkins strolling in the woods and writing in absolute alliterative delight the opening lines of "The Windhover," "I caught this morning morning’s minion, king-/ dom of daylight’s dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding"and any no-name guy freezing his fingers on a Detroit sidewalk as he spits rhymes and trips over his words with his friends? Think about that while listening to Aesop Rock's attention to language's music in "None Shall Pass."
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Priesthood of all Poets
Joyce (1882-1941) |
James Joyce wrote that a poet is "a priest of the imagination, transmuting the daily bread of experience into the radiant body of everlasting life" (A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man).
I discovered this little gem in a footnote while reading Philip A. Ballinger's The Poem as Sacrament: The Theological Aesthetic of Gerard Manley Hopkins, which is fitting enough as Hopkins is perhaps the most notable example of someone being both a priest and a poet. Ballinger's work is beautiful in the way that it focuses on Hopkins sacramental poetic vision which is that a poem stresses the 'instress' of a thing or that a poem 're-presents' the 'inscape' of a thing.
Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889) |
sacramenta continent quae significant
(sacraments contain what they signify)
The Eucharist brings us into communion with the Body of Christ because our communion and the Body of Christ are contained in the Sacrament: they are the sacrament. The sign causes our unity to Christ, because he is there. The intimacy between God and the signs he uses to express Himself are clearly identified from the beginning of John's Gospel where he states that "The Word was God" (1:1). This idea can allow Catholics to tip their hats to (the convert to Catholicism) Marshall McLuhan and agree that at least with God, "the medium is the message."
McLuhan (1911-1980) |
John Duns Scotus (1265-1308) |
Hesse savoring the inscape of a landscape. |
The relation between the instress and inscape is riddled throughout Hopkins' thought and while it can be perplexing (How can the inscape qua form of the landscape, be more than the hills, trees, rocks, etc. and yet also absolutely in each detail of the hill, tree, rock, etc.), but comprehending the inscape is not the matter of this essay, and actually any attempt to do so may actually comprise the integrity of the mystery.
The point of this present reflection is that the poet is the priest, who tries to convey this instress and inscape to his audience. The poem stresses, signifies and accomplishes the original instress and inscape, so that the reader might stand with the poet in contemplation of the same thing as the priest and laity commune with one another. It is this common sentiment, which underscores the Eucharist's ability to bring us back to the Last Supper, Calvary, the Manger, the Heavenly Liturgy, and wherever the Mass was, is, or will be celebrated.
The sacerdotal role of the poet is so prevelant in Hopkins, because Christ is behind everything in Hopkins' poetry, because he is behind every thing—as he wrote: "There lives the dearest freshness deep down things." Hopkins has such percipience into the unfathomably unique minutia of the natural world, because in it he sees the Christ in whom "all things hold together" (Col 1:17). Because Christ is the Word which orders everything that is, Ballinger artfully writes that for Hopkins "all things 'rhyme' because they are patterned by the Word" (145). Hopkins' is able to see a world "charged with the grandeur of God" and can see Christ truly play "in ten thousand places, lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his."
Balthasar (1905-1988) |
But just as the Eucharist is not mere bread but a sacrifice of love, so too the foundation of these houses is the sacrifical "lamb slain from the foundations of the world" (Rev 13:8). Balthasar writes, in his treatment of Hopkins, that coupled with this Eucharistic image, Christ's Cross "is the fundamental, ontological presupposition of all natural processes that all, knowingly or not, intrinsically signify or intend by pointing beyond themselves" (GL III, 394). As a priest, it is Christ's sacrifice that imbues Hopkins' vision of the world and Christ's sacrifice of love is the heart of the world. Hopkins' sensitivity to the most minute beauties of nature, which rendered him odd to his fellow Jesuits (who did not know about his secret and personal poetic life), was because he intuited that all the beauty in existence derived from the Lamb, whose sacrifice is gratuitously offered as a supper: "How soldiers platting thorns around CHRIST’S Head/ Grapes grew and drops of wine were shed."
"For what has to be interpreted is not concepts (of 'universal', abstract truths), but images (of the unique, personal, divine-human truth), and here poetry is the absolutely appropriate theological language, and Hopkins brings the great English tradition back into the Church by his own creative achievement" (Balthasar, GL III, p. 391, emphasis mine)Perhaps Balthasar's understanding of poetry as the absolutely appropriate theological language, stems from the essentially sacramental character of Catholic theology. The centrality of the Eucharist in Catholic theology is unquestionable; it is "the source and summit of the Christian life" (CCC §1324). Thus the liturgical celebration of the Eucharist is perhaps concentrically of the next importance, and Hopkins' sacramental poetics have a lot of potential insight. Though Hopkins' poetry might not meet all people where they are at, anyone can see that the creative use of language is captivating whether it be in music, poetry or even advertising, and obviously the language of prayer (whose form echoes stanzas of poems already) needs to be in dialogue with poetry.
But the relationship between liturgy and poetry is deeper than mere wording. Liturgy's etymology means the "work of the people" (λειτουργία) and the poetry's etymology comes from the verb "to do" or more specifically "to make" or "create" (ποιηω). Careful reflection and participation in the poetic life as we have seen exemplified in Hopkins (attentiveness to "instresses" and "inscapes," contemplation of beauty, openness to creatively and spontaneously responding to God) is absolutely what has the potential to rejuvenate the liturgical life of the Church, which is to say the life of the Church itself.
The lesson to be learned in this reflection of Hopkins, is that it is imperative that we move from praxis to poiesis, from mere or habitual 'doing' to creative collaboration with God in His own creative life. Realizing our "priesthood of all believers" may need to begin with recovering the poetry of believing. For if we neglect our poetic stewardship, we stop being co-workers or pro-creators with God and how is any species to survive without procreation? Hopkins' theo-poetic vision invites us to be struck by the instress of God that we might contemplate His inscape and offer our own pens, paper, voices, minds, hearts and ultimately lives to stressing and representing them with our our poems, our lives and our selves sacramentally.
Video Biography of Hopkins Part I
Biography of Hopkins
The Poetry Foundation's Podcast: Close reading of "The Windhover"
Introductory Poems
God's Grandeur
"As kingfishers catch fire"
Pied Beauty
The Windhover
Binsey Poplars (Watch his attention to nature's unified and individual beauty)
The Blessed Virgin Compared to the Air we Breathe (Mariology in Hopkins' sacramentality is another expansive issue)
May Magnificat
Wreck of the Deutschland (A Longer Poem)
It seems all of his English Poems and Fragments (No Latin, Greek or Welsh)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Lines Drawn with Love
In the simplest
glance or a word
people stop being
two dots floating
on a blank page.
Out of their black depths,
they suddenly spill
themselves across
this white abyss
of mundane days
and lonely lives.
Some relationships are
simply strung between
the dots and hang like
the thin string strung
between two rusty cans.
Some rush like rivers, racing,
running their course as they
spill themselves
and render exchanges of wonder,
curving, crooked, long, short,
where the points are gone
and only their Line remains.
Loving lines lie scattered
crossing this canvas
and in the depths and
shades of their meeting
a greater dialogue emerges.
If only we lonely points knew
in all our out pouring
in all our self-spilling
we were painting a Portrait.
glance or a word
people stop being
two dots floating
on a blank page.
Out of their black depths,
they suddenly spill
themselves across
this white abyss
of mundane days
and lonely lives.
Some relationships are
simply strung between
the dots and hang like
the thin string strung
between two rusty cans.
Some rush like rivers, racing,
running their course as they
spill themselves
and render exchanges of wonder,
curving, crooked, long, short,
where the points are gone
and only their Line remains.
Loving lines lie scattered
crossing this canvas
and in the depths and
shades of their meeting
a greater dialogue emerges.
If only we lonely points knew
in all our out pouring
in all our self-spilling
we were painting a Portrait.
My First Poem
The first poem I ever wrote was in German. It snuck up on me while I was trying to take a nap in March 2010, just a few weeks before I went to study for a summer in Tübingen. If I've ever had a clearly defined pivotal moment in my life that continues to resonate with who I am today, I think it's here.
Ich bin nicht Dichter, I'm no poet
bin ich nur Theologe I'm only a theologian
mit einem Herz with a heart
so steinig und klein, so small and stony,
aber vielleicht sollen Theologen, but maybe we theologians
diese Steine werfen should throw these stones
und immer Dichter sein. and always poets be.
Ich bin nicht Dichter, I'm no poet
bin ich nur Theologe I'm only a theologian
mit einem Herz with a heart
so steinig und klein, so small and stony,
aber vielleicht sollen Theologen, but maybe we theologians
diese Steine werfen should throw these stones
und immer Dichter sein. and always poets be.
Adagio for Acorns
Angels composing symphonies
eternally scribbling melodies
on wings feathered yet unfettered.
Transposing music of celestial spheres
For our lowly earthen ears
sullied, muddied and weathered.
Our dirty toes will never run so deep
where warm tree roots gently sleep
undisturbed and growing more numb.
For man is a mix of blood and soil,
who dances through his terrestrial toil
So long as there’s a song to hum.
I set out at the thaw of Dawn
when I heard the Angel Song.
The grass still graced with morning dew.
Strolling through trails from which we spring
I can hear an entire forest sing.
Every day it plays the song anew.
The woods & winds commune
As twigs, trees & berries tune
and I sit on a trail seldom trodden.
The tones of cones & stones pound,
arboreal acoustics resound
harmonies we have long forgotten.
Wood & wind celebrate
as trembling needles resonate.
This angelic symphony tosses and turns.
Wander and ponder eating berries
That you might hear these melodies
Finely filtered through the ferns.
My Pond
I hope that this place will be a Pond for Ponderings, because that is what I call my journals. Pond is the key word. It's not an ocean for whales and sharks. It's not a stream that has no time to stop and reflect. It's a simple place, with simple fish, and simple pleasures.
When you go fishing, you often catch small fish. A blue gill with some striking stripes or maybe a larger bass with a couple of thwarted attempts at angling dangling from his lips, but few of us rarely dip our hooks in to yank out a sturgeon (even though legend has it known to happen in these waters). The only way to get bigger fish is to toss a smaller one back now and again. They need to swim, grow, mingle, and multiply.
This place is about catch and release. The poems, prayers, pictures and ponderings you'll find here were caught in my soul. We are all ponds in which these things are teeming, be they a line in a letter, a selection from our journals, or a loving word from a friend. There is a serenity and exhiliaration in fishing, which is something we also find in the poetic and religious life; the peace in our stillness and the thrill of struggle and discovery. Have the courage to throw your thoughts out, because, “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov 23:7). Afterall, who knows what a simple thought or a simple man might grow into . . .
When you go fishing, you often catch small fish. A blue gill with some striking stripes or maybe a larger bass with a couple of thwarted attempts at angling dangling from his lips, but few of us rarely dip our hooks in to yank out a sturgeon (even though legend has it known to happen in these waters). The only way to get bigger fish is to toss a smaller one back now and again. They need to swim, grow, mingle, and multiply.
This place is about catch and release. The poems, prayers, pictures and ponderings you'll find here were caught in my soul. We are all ponds in which these things are teeming, be they a line in a letter, a selection from our journals, or a loving word from a friend. There is a serenity and exhiliaration in fishing, which is something we also find in the poetic and religious life; the peace in our stillness and the thrill of struggle and discovery. Have the courage to throw your thoughts out, because, “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov 23:7). Afterall, who knows what a simple thought or a simple man might grow into . . .

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